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no such thing as healthy obesity

Study: There no such thing as healthy obesity

You hermes kelly black imitation probably heard someone say, fat but fit. Several recent studies have suggested this statement could be true. But a newreview of Hermes Kelly Depeche Briefcase fake existing studies published this week in the Annals of Internal Medicine may puta stop to the rumor.

Scientists know that overweight people can be what they call healthy. A lot of factors impact a person cardiovascular health, including how much they exercise and when they put on the weight.

The researchers evaluated the eight studies, which included a total of more than 60,000 participants. All of the studies had recorded participants BMI and their metabolic status, as well as any fatal or nonfatal cardiovascular events, such as a heart attack.

Data analysts split the participants into five groups:

Metabolically unhealthy and normal weight

Metabolically unhealthy and overweight

Metabolically unhealthy and obese

Overweight but metabolically healthy

Obese but metabolically healthy

They then compared the number of cardiovascular events that happened in each of these groups with their control group: a sample of normal weight, metabolically healthy people.

As they expected, theresearchers found that their control group the normal weight, metabolically healthy people had the fewest cardiovascular events of all the groups.

They also found that being metabolically unhealthy puts you at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease, even if you in the normal BMI range. In fact, the metabolically unhealthy thin people had the same risk as the metabolically unhealthy obese group in the short term.

Perhaps more surprising was that they found little difference in the risk for heart diseasebetween metabolically healthy overweight individuals and metabolically healthy normal weight people. The same was true for metabolically healthy obese people.

So why do they say healthy obesity is a myth?

Because when researchers looked specifically at studies that followed participants for at least 10 years,it showedthe metabolically healthy obese group had an increased risk of death and cardiovascular eventscompared tothose of normal weight.

Every study has a caveat something the hermes kelly black Knockoff scientists couldn control for or didn analyze that may be affecting the results. The studies analyzed by these scientists did not always have adequate information on the participants health behaviors, such as what they ate or whether they smoked, and did not collect data about the participants weight gain over time. Plus, notevery age group was represented equally in these studies. And normal weight people shouldn consider themselveshealthy without checking their cholesterol, blood pressure and glucose levels.

is taking a toll on the health and well being of Americans, Drs. James Hill hermes kelly crocodile imitation and Holly Wyatt write in an accompanying editorial in the journal. that no level of obesity is healthy is an important step toward deciding how best to use our resources and our political will to develop and implement strategies to combat the obesity epidemic. They are ashamed of their condition and of the perception others have that they should be able to manage their weight. They hate flying because they cause discomfort for others. They are afraid their spouses find them unattractive. The list goes on. It is a cruelty to them to join in their collective denial that they are trapped and helpless in this situation. There are solutions that have little to do with crash dieting, expensive weight loss programs, and running marathons. We need to treat them with the respect they deserve by not sugar coating the truth and letting them know the risk they are putting their health in. When we do that we give them the tools they need to be successful.

December 4, 2013 at 11:09

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The actual results of the study show that being metabolically healthy is FAR better than being metabolically unhealthy. Regardless of whether you are overweight or not.

Being obese and metabolically healthy is insignificantly worse than being normal weight and metabolically healthy.

As usual, a reporter has to dramatize and play word games with the ACTUAL results. What comes out is a story that inaccurate and a misrepresentation of the actual facts.

The Wall

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