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service gas was banned in NJ

It began with this observation: "The Garden State self service gas station ban dates back to 1949, when the New Jersey Legislature passed the Retail Gasoline Dispensing Safety Act, primarily over concerns about the safety of consumers pumping petroleum themselves."

Well, that's the cover story the legislators gave at the time. What they were really up to is a lot more devious and corrupt as all get out.

I first started studying this issue back in 2000, during the Whitman administration. Back then it wasn't easy to do van cleef bracelet uk copy research on the internet. That meant I had to go to the morgue.

No, not the one where they keep dead bodies. I'm talking about the morgue in the basement of the Star Ledger building. In the newspaper racket, a "morgue" is what we call our library of past clippings.

It was there that I dug up the story of Irving Reingold. Here is how I recounted it in a column back then:

"It was Irving Reingold who created the crisis that led to the law banning self serve gasoline. Reingold, a workaholic who took time out only to fly his collection of World War II fighter planes, started the crisis by doing something gas station owners hated: He lowered prices. Fifty one years ago, gas was selling at 21.9 cents a gallon. The price was rigged by a gentlemen's agreement among gas station owners.

"Reingold decided to offer the consumer a choice by opening up a 24 pump gas station on Route 17 in Hackensack. He offered gas at 18.9 cents a gallon. The only requirement was that drivers pump it themselves. They didn't mind. They lined up for blocks.

"The other gas station operators didn't like the competition. Someone tried shooting up Reingold's station. But he installed bulletproof glass, so the retailers looked for a softer target the Statehouse. The Gasoline Retailers Association prevailed upon its pals in the Legislature to push through a bill banning self serve gas. The pretext was safety, but the Hackensack fire chief had already told all who would listen that Rein gold's operation was perfectly safe.

"The bill sailed through in record time, despite the objections of everyone who cared about the public interest. Journalists howled. "Chalk up another victory for the organized pressure groups," said WOR radio commentator Lyle Van.

"Prices went back up. Reingold got out of gas and moved on to other endeavors, such as revolutionizing the sport fishing business in Florida with boats that were bigger and more luxurious than anyone had seen.

"He died two years ago. His daughter Roni told me that on his deathbed he was still angry about the way the politicians ran him out of business. It's amazing that New Jersey consumers could still be suffering in the Internet era from a crooked deal that went through in the pre television era."

And that, boys and girls, is how we got the ban on self service gas that exists to this day. It's also why we can't get rid of it. Then as now, our Legislature is up for sale to the highest bidder.

The public welfare had nothing to do with it. That's also true of another crooked deal that went through the Legislature in the 1940s. The liquor lobby prevailed upon the politicians they had purchased to enact a statute that prevents towns from creating new licenses. That of course greatly increased the value of the existing licenses, enriching the owners at the expense of the consumers.

But who cares? Not our legislators. They're bought and paid for by the liquor lobby as well as the gas station owners.

(The video below covers one set of objections to self service gas: Some people can't figure out how to work a gas pump. But at least those people are pleasing aesthetically if not intellectually. Incidentally, even if self serve were legalized, stations would still offer full serve for those who want it.)

Every time this issue comes up, we hear all sorts of screwy theories from economic illiterates who insist against all logic that full serve gas is cheaper than self serve.

In a 2006 column, I stated that the main reason our gas price is lower than neighboring states is that "we have one of the lowest gas taxes in the country." That didn't stop me from getting a flood of e mails like these two, from people van cleef lucky alhambra bracelet imitation who think full service gas saves them money:

"Mr. I drove to Florida many times and found the price of gas higher than New Jersey at self service."

In less time than it took to send an e mail, those two and others like them could have gone on Google and found out that Florida drivers pay about 15 cents more per gallon than we van cleef magic alhambra bracelet knock off do. If ignorance is bliss, then these guys will never need Prozac. We also have lots of oil refineries. Even more important, New Jersey is the No. 1 importer of gasoline.

And the Jersey driver gets first crack at those imports. That and the low taxes are what keeps our gas cheap.

And a move to self service gas would make it even cheaper. That will be even more obvious in the very near future. The state minimum wage just increased. And next year the Obamacare employer mandate kicks in.

The Wall

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