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Why are nearly 2000 homes empty when there is a housing crisis

These vacant homes are those where no council tax is being paid for a number of reasons renovation work, owners living overseas, waiting for the property to increase in value, issues with inheritance, or a gap between tenancies.

Basildon has a total of 492 empty homes, Castle Point 809 and Southend between 600 and 650, according to council figures.

Trevor Crowe, manager for Balgores estate agents in Basildon, explained the figures may be slightly skewed because more homes become empty in spring.

He said: "There tends to be a spike in the number of empty homes after winter, because more elderly people pass away and homes become empty.

"Many of these will be homes which have been inherited, where people can't afford to do them up.

"They could be homes where a number of family members inherit a home, and they have to work out what they're going to do with it.

"In some areas of London you have ultra rich people buying properties and leaving them empty to increase in value.

"But I have never known anyone in Essex to be involved in buy to leave. You have to pay council tax and maintenance on those properties while they just sit there.

"People only tend to leave a house empty here if they have to."

The National Housing Federation estimates 38,000 homes need to be built per year up to 2020 to meet demand in the region.

A total of 15,000 homes were built from 2011 15, creating a shortfall of 11,000.

The charity Shelter says emphasis needs to be on building.

Anne Baxendale, director of communications, policy and campaigns at Shelter, said: "Nobody wants to see homes left empty whilst we're in the midst of a housing crisis but sadly, even if every empty house in the country was put back into use it still wouldn't solve our housing shortage. For decades we simply haven't built enough homes, meaning costs have gone up and now millions of people are trapped in expensive and unstable private renting."

Gill Garwood, chief executive of Southend's homeless charity Harp, said: "As homelessness continues to increase, it is a shame there continues to be a large number of empty homes that could be put to good use, and could help prevent people from having to take to the streets.

"Harp has worked closely with Southend Council on innovative schemes to get disused and unloved properties back up and cartier bangle for men replica running again.

"One of our hostels, which was left empty, now houses up to 11 people who were once homeless and our Bradbury Day Centre and Night Shelter building was previously a derelict hotel.

"These are shining examples of what can be done when local councils work with the voluntary sector to enhance the local community. "The Bradbury Day Centre now provides help to over 1,000 people each year, who might be homeless or at risk of homelessness."

I'd like my council tax pounds to be spent investing in property and trade. The more property a council owns the less rich landlords profit and the more the council saves. But I'm sure there is a law that prevents public housing purchases, is that right?

Pessimism Comes With Age

I'd like my council tax pounds to be spent investing in property and trade. The more property a council owns the less rich landlords profit and the more the council saves. But I'm sure there is a law that prevents public housing purchases, is that right?

I spoke to Hawkwell Council yesterday and they have set up a company to purchase residential and commercial property. Southend BC should consider the same, there are at least 2 commercial units in Southend High St for sale, direct control by SBC would be a good start

Pessimism Comes With Age

I spoke to Hawkwell Council yesterday and they have set up a company to purchase residential and commercial property. Southend BC should consider the same, there are at least 2 commercial units cartier bangle for men fake in Southend High St for sale, direct control by SBC would be a good start

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Think of the billions spent on housing benefit, 'benefit', being the operative word, this has gone to mainly greedy landlords and upkeep the myth that we have some kind of stable economy, when in fact it is a 'ponzi' scheme, keeping houses in short supply serves another purpose it allows the not so lucky to be kept in their place, firmly in the grip of the slavemasters.
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