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New TFT meta in Patch 10.5
March has come, a new patch has come! TFT has been blessed with Patch 10.5 – thanks Riot. The game got slower, electric comp and glacial got buffed, Yasuo got mana issues again. Right now it does feel like slow compositions like Zed and 6 shadows dominate the TFT meta. If you wanna climb within the 10.5 meta, we’ve got you covered! Below, we have prepared the best 10.5 comps we’ve found so far.
This TFT Team Comp 10.5 is based on Zed and getting level 8. This composition works very well this patch for several reasons. First one being, the past few patches meta slowed down quite bit, which makes getting level 8 just a bit safer. Zed’s most natural counters like poison got nerfed as well, protecting his ability to reproduce. What most likely matters the most though, are the buffs to Glacial/Electric that made Ezreal, Braum and Warwick a really strong starters.
Fast Zed/level8 TFT team comp gets it spike on level 8, where your plan is to look for Zed, but also Taric and Singed to grab them before others, as getting them to level two can easily turn the game around in your favour.
Advantages :
Strong in early game and unbeatable late game.
Hard to counter within the TFT Meta 10.5, as long as you scout for Zephyr!
It prioritizes items that are not as popular – such as Chain Vest neccessary for creating Bramble Vest and Guardian Angel.
Flexible. This composition does not have to stick to the plan – the games can differ between Electric Assasin – Electric Summoner – Electric Crystal/Ranger.
Disadvantages :
Struggles with poison/hush Olaf.
Usually has to lose a few games mid game, as you have to eco for Level 8.
Sometimes you won’t get a 2 star Zed, Singed or Taric and your game will become a struggle.
Flexible. Ironically, it’s also a con in a sense. Since fixing your composition will not follow a simple, straight route, it might be confusing for an unexperienced player. It’s a hard to play teamcomp.
Focus on two-starring Nasus, Renekton, Diana and Braum during the first few rounds. They will help you get through the early game, while Braum can stay until the end if you happen to get Ezreal.
You might end up losing a few games after rounds 4-1, but that is ok! Eco up to get that level 8 ASAP.
Guardian Angel / Redemption needed for Zed can be held by Annie or Yorick until you find him – those should be easy to find, as TFT Meta 10.5 is not as dependant on those units as in the past.
Zed – Guardian Angel, Redemption
Singed – Morello
This TFT Team Comp 10.5 bases it’s strength, just like the Zed comp above, on the TFT meta slowing down and it’s units gradually getting buffed over time. You plan on having Kindred carry your team until you get Master Yi, with Yi 2 star being your ultimate team carry. You can as well use Kindred as your item holder, and if you get Kindred 3 star – she will be your main carry, if not – she will hold them until Master Yi 2 star arrives.
This build works the best if you get the possibility to build up your economy before round 3-2, to then look for Kindred 2 star ASAP, as she will be your main mid-game powerhouse.
If you happen to find Shadow Lux on your way there, you’ve probably won the game.
Advantages :
Able to snowball out of control due to bursty nature of quick Kindred 2.
Counters a lot of team comps that rely on sustain as a mean of victory.
Flexible with items, can make use for AD items and mana items to the fullest.
Disadvantages :
Can struggle late game if unable to find Master Yi 2star / Shadow Lux 2star / Kindred 3star
This TFT Team Comp can be heavily contested within the TFT meta 10.5
Low flexibility
Once you get a 2 star Kindred, stop rolling until level 8.
If you don’t have proper items to give to Master Yi, you can’t go wrong with Thief’s Glove. That should be enough to dominate the TFT meta 10.5!
If you manage to find a Shadow Lux, get rid of your worst shadows, prefferably Veigar and Senna.
Give her all the tears of goddess you’ve got!
Kindred – Seraph’s Embrace, Locket of the Iron Solari
Amumu – Morello, Guardian Angel
Master Yi – Rapidfire Cannon + 1 offensive, 1 deffensive item OR Thief’s Glove
Another amazing TFT team comp in current TFT Meta 10.5 is again… BERSERKERS! It can very well be pivoted into when finding glacials and electrics trying to play the Zed comp.
Berserkers have been played since the beginning of set 2, always basing it’s strength primarily on Olaf. Olaf as a carry is fairly flexible. Facing Zed team comp? Get a Hush. Facing Ocean mages primarily? Get a Dragonclaw. Ideally, you snowball since the start with the usage of electrics, locket of the iron solari and a pivot to berserkers.
Late game, you can run two 2 star Olafs for the ultimate savagery.
Advantages :
Does not need level 8 to shine.
If you do not get berserkers while building your early game TFT Comp 10.5, you can pivot to other comps such as the Zed one.
Olaf is versatile with the way you can build him, making use of many powerful niche items such as Hush or RFC.
Disadvantages :
If you do not find Olaf, you will STRUGGLE.
Falls of very late game, unless you find Olaf 3 star.
May not be able to snowball without atleast one Locket of the iron solari.
Play electric/glacials to make sure you are versatile with your pivots early game.
Your peak is on level 7!
If you get a Spatula, you can either make Olaf an assassin or Kha’zix a berserker.
Olaf – Guardian Angel, if you get Assassin spatula -> Infinity Edge
Mundo – Locket of the iron Solari
Hyperroll predators have been strong during the entire Set 2, and 10.5 TFT Meta is no different. While poison has been nerfed, Predators strength comes also from dominating early and mid game through quick Kog’maw 3 starring and his ability to use Luden’s Echo better than anyone else.
I would usually run this TFT comp whenever I get atleast a rod or tear during the minion stage, while getting atleast 3 kog’maws until the first carousel. Late game, the comp uses the poison package, switching Mundo for Twitch depending on which one you’ve got more stars on.
The suggestion afterwards to be to either truly hyperroll at round 3-1 if you’ve got atleast 5 kog’maws, or slow roll, rolling all gold over 50 over the next few rounds.
Advantages :
A composition that allows 100 HP Top1 wins. One that can snowball out of control with a bit of luck.
Has several spikes such as whenever you get another Luden’s Echo for Kog, when you get poison, when you 3star Kog, when you 3star Skarner.
Very flexible late game – can even add two mystics.
Disadvantages :
Very item dependant – if the TFT Meta 10.5 ends up taking your rods and tears, it will be hard to complete your items.
You will fall behind if Kog’maw is not 3 starred.
Get luden’s echo for your Kog’maw.
Seriously! Luden’s echo.
Items and their effects, such as Ionic Spark, Red buff or Morellonomicon effect also proc Predator passive.
Rek’sai is better, but if you get warwicks on top of warwicks, stay with the wolf.
Singed – Morellonomicon
Kog’maw – Luden’s Echo, Guardian Angel
The Wall