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I am currently considering this Guthix prayer book
Lvl 30-cramps: anyone who attacks you has their power lowered by half and will often be knocked-down. Your health is diminished by half. Lvl 33- obliviated: anyone who strikes you has their assault lowered by half an hour. Their weapons will oftentimes be unequipped automatically. You can't block. Lvl 37- Dissonance: you produce three spirits that are lvl 67 who ignore stats and armor. Their max hit is 25. 1 additional spirit dismisses by half of your armor and strikes you.These spirits cannot be atacked.
Lvl 40- blasts: when employed, every 15 minutes people 3 squares around you are pushed off 10 squares farther, stunned, and their run energy is lowered to 0. You're poisoned. Lvl 43- ressurected- when you equip this prayer, every time you die you come back to life and you lose 1/4 fo all of your stats temporarely. You eliminate half of your own prayer.
Lvl 50- Macabre: You produce 25 skeletons that are lvl 30 that strike anybody (allies, ennemies, you). When a sword attacks an ally, the ally gets diseased. Lvl 55-Virluence: You drain all health of enemies on your minimap, stun them, poison, and disease them.Your wellbeing is diminished by 25%. Lvl 60- Lichen: every moment you hit, you gain half of your attack, and stun your oponent.Your health regeneration is reduced by magic and half will strike half more than normal
I am currently considering this Guthix prayer book. Listed below are my guthix thoughts. As most people say, the zammy ones are too powerful, so I will attempt to create these ones not powerful. Lvl 30-Guthix equilibrium: whenever your health is under 50%, Your opponent gets all his stats turned to yours and his stats turn into yours. Drains prayer extremely quickly.
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