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The Lipstick Chronicles

It used to be a holiday that everyone looked forward to. Ghoulies and ghosties and long legged beasties (trust me, the waitresses at a club I used to go to in Miami took Halloween seriously, and they did very well tip wise every Halloween nightbut I digress.)were encouraged to be creative, to let their imaginations run wild. Costumes were works of art, with months of planning and work put into them. Witches and pirates, monsters and maidens, princes and princesses roamed the streets in absolute safety, pretending to scare and be scared, lugging home approximately three tons of boodle, swag, loot, and stuff at the end of the evening.along the copy cartier love diamond ring lines, things changed.Stories of razor blades in apples began to spread and take hold. Candy tampered with everything from needles to cyanide. Rumors of neighborhood houses where children went in, and never came out. Pranks that began as silly stuff, such as overturning garbage cans, degenerated into outright vandalism with broken windows and destroyed property.Then came the 1970'sWhen things got really weird. Seriously so. The dawning of Political Correctness. The Liberal Left telling us Halloween was bad, it was pagan, it was worshipping the Devil. The game Dungeons and Dragons was banned from an entire supermarket chain in Florida because one, ONE, woman complained about it, told the manager it was worshipping the Devil, encouraging children to move to the Dark Side. When I was at a Major Oil Consortium, one member of my team came to me in tears when a customer had gotten extremely ugly with her because we did not deliver on July 4th. I contacted the customer personally, explained the telephone rep was correct, and we would get his gasoline to him first thing the morning of the 5th. He told me in no uncertain terms that the Fourth of July was a stupid holiday, it was not celebrated in his home country, he saw no sense to it, and we needed to keep the refinery open just for him, just in case he needed anything. I tactfully (this was back when I believed in tact) pointed out he wasn't in his country, he was in America now, and should respect American traditions. He cursed me in some foreign language (something about my mother and a goat, or a camel; to this day I not sure), went to my boss's boss's boss, and raised Cain. I got chewed out, told to be more tolerant of differences. The end result was the tanker full of gasoline delivered on the 5th was refused because he didn't do the business on the 4th he was hoping for. I put a copy of the return ticket in an envelope and had it sent to the director who delivered the lecture on tolerance, asking if he would cover the costs from his budget. Never heard back from him. Don't know why.Here are the 1990'sHoooooooooo boy. Everything is bad for you. Food, alcohol, breathing, sex, name it. We should all eat tofu and soy, live to be two hundred years cartier ring diamond replica old while practicing abstinence. 'Just Say No'. Tell a woman she looks nice, face a harassment suit. (It was just last week I learned 'harass' was one word, but whatever.) Deny someone a promotion they think they deserve, and face a discrimination action. Whether they earned it or deserve it is immaterial. If they want it, they should have it, and God help you if you deny it. At the MOC until 1994, we moved offices once, and one particular woman had to take six weeks sick leave to "cope with the trauma" of moving. Everyone was warned not to say anything to her when she returned, with dire consequences promised for anyone who dared say one word to her about it. Neutral, non offensive. Costumes are discouraged in schools. Conversely, it's a release date for movies that show murder as entertainment, torture as performance art. Be sure the victims are female and pretty; torturing guys to death generates fuckall at the box office. Make it last long and loud, with splashy (and not in a good way) special effects. Church and/or school parties are the norm. Children rarely go out on Halloween night anymore, and when they do, it's more a military operation than a fun experience. Last year, cartier ring copy a little Simba came to the door, with his bag oddly empty. I handed him a handful of Tootsie Rolls, he said 'Thank you' and bounced back to his parents. Mom reached into the bag, pulled out what I'd given the Little Lion King, Dad whipped out a notepad, and wrote down "Five Tootsie Rolls" followed by our address. The candy went into a separate bag, and as they walked to the house next door, I heard them discussing going to "the clinic" and having everything X Rayed.The deserted island with a huge NO TRESPASSING sign is looking better and better and better to me. Maybe the Tarts would be kind enough to bring my mail once a year on a rotating basis.Man of Enchantmentby Mary Lynn Reed, Friend o the Tarts and tolerant wife of backblogger Tom Barclay, has written three books on state demographics, a collection of sewing and humor features, a near future thriller, a shaggy dog Near Earth Orbit feghoot, not to mention a haunting 19th century sf story, set in the desert Southwest, just a bit under the influence of her aquaintance, the late Tony Hillerman.People who come to New Mexico often say they changed by the experience. The scenery is enchanting, true, but it the spirits of the land who make the magic. cartier ring love knock off Something ancient wafts in the air, rises out of the earth, chants in the wind. If this speaks to you though you never visited New Mexico, there a good chance Tony Hillerman connected you to those spirits from afar.I spent most of the at the University of New Mexico, first as a student, then as staff. Tony social circle and mine often intersected. I fell under his personal spell before I fell for his literary magic. He was a raconteur of the highest order, with a knack for prising the intriguing from the mundane.At more than one party, Tony saved me from social dis ease he would talk and I would listen. He spoke with an Oklahoma twang, not a Southwestern drawl. I didn pay much attention then, but I recently discovered he was born and raised in Sacred Heart, Oklahoma, ten miles from where all my children were born. I would like to say that why I felt so comfortable in his presence, but so did everyone else (except the few pseudo intellectuals pining for a Harvard accent.)I met him right after was published, before all the awards were heaped upon him. Although he thrived on teaching journalism, he was enjoying the move to fiction in his personal writings. He had spent fourteen years as a newspaper man and likened the change to working in plastic instead of flint. But Tony could chip flint with the best. If you haven read some of his non fiction, I recommend you start with . Then move on to some of Hillerman other works about New Mexico and the Southwest.And please, read his memoir, .Later on, I worked as a token Anglo for a Native American owned consulting firm. I experienced aspects of the culture seen by few whites. The next few times we met, Hillerman and I would share our sense of prividege that we were allowed glimpses of the culture from the inside. We would wail in outrage at colonialism and Anglo arrogance. But the bitching would soon turn bewitching as Tony told new stories and he always had new stories. He grasped the world view held by the Navajo as few outsiders ever have. He could make the rest of us feel it, too, if only for a moment. Ultimately, he was named Special Friend of the Dineh in 1987 by the Navajo Nation for his honest, accurate portrayal of Navajo people and their culture. But he never read his own PR.A life well lived and a man well loved.Hell's Waiting RoomBy Elaine VietsMagazines old enough to vote. Uncomfortable chairs. The company of other disease ridden strangers all of them wheezing, sneezing, sniffling, scratching and snerching. Ah, the joys of doctors' waiting rooms.Now there's a new delight the medical lecture.Way too many doctors' waiting rooms now have special TV programs delivering lectures about how to cook heart healthy food, avoid disease, ask for new (legal) drugs, and other uplifting information I'd rather not know. We patients have to watch this loathsome stuff while stuck in the waiting room. The folks who deliver it are insufferably healthy and cheerful as they explain how you're shortening your life. Never mind that time seems twice as long in a doctor's waiting room.
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