
Why you should replenish your first aid kit this January from freeamfva's blog

Why you should replenish your first aid kit this January

With each new year, we tend to promise ourselves we'll make numerous big changes. Whether it be a resolution to exercise more regularly, keep a cleaner house or get that big promotion at work, our ambitions always seem to come to the forefront during this time. Yet, one resolution many people overlook is maintaining a safe workplace and home. The fact is that we can never be fully prepared for the blunders and perils of day-to-day life, and even a simple paper cut or power outage requires proper preparation. That's why it's important to make sure all of your first aid supplies are well-stocked and up-to-date as the new year begins, especially if you've forgotten to do this in the past few months.To get more news about ifak kits, you can visit rusuntacmed.com official website.

Replenish first aid kits regularly
According to the Mayo Clinic, first aid kits should be checked at least once every three months. You never know when flashlight batteries may run out of power, medications may expire or you may simply run out of a much-needed item. However, this doesn't mean you have to purchase a new kit in its entirety. Instead, focus on regularly refilling the supplies that have a short shelf date or are used often, such as bandages or gauze.

The easiest way to do this is by going to a reputable online first aid supplier. For example, MFASCO has an online picture display that allows you to select items from your first aid kit that are in short supply. What's more, MFASCO allows users to create a custom reorder list, so you can easily replenish previously ordered items without hassle. That way, you can fill and refill your first aid kit whenever necessary.

Where are first aid kits needed?
A first aid kit is an essential item to have pretty much everywhere. A comprehensive first aid kit should always be readily available in school and workplace settings, and it's also a good idea to keep a kit at home and in your car. In the workplace, make sure that your employees feel encouraged to alert you when supplies are running low so you can order more in a timely fashion. Remember that first aid kits are not only important for day-to-day accidents, but also in case of a major emergency.

What should be in my first aid kit?
The Connecticut Department of Developmental Services notes that common necessities in a first aid kit include gauze, bandages, cold packs, cotton balls, a thermometer and disposable gloves. However, this only covers the bare basics, and you should individualize your first aid kit based on the setting. For example, if you work in rural outdoor settings, you may need specific items such as sting relief medication, sun protection, hand sanitizer and even water purification tablets.

This January, make a point of checking your first aid kit, replenishing items that are expired or running low and updating your supplies to meet your current needs. Remember, it's always better to be properly prepared in case of an emergency, no matter the situation.

The Wall

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