
WOW Classic PVP Class Tier List from wisepowder's blog

Bear in mind that this is just one perspective on the broad and nuanced meta. Our ranking is more based on each specialization in isolation, as opposed to ranking the classes themselves or the hybrid specs you’ll likely adopt. We’re less concerned with min-maxing and more concerned with plain old having fun— a few class/spec combos might rate higher than you’d expect, but we invite you to disagree! Any feedback you can offer will help us hone this list to a razor’s edge.To get more news about buy wow tbc gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
First on our list of WoW Classic best PvP class options? The elemental shaman. With the might of the elements coursing through them, elemental shamans are a devastating force on the battlefield. Shocking multiple enemies with lightning before blasting them with various elemental shocks, elemental shamans hit hard and fast and even heal themselves in large chunks. Positioning is everything for an elemental shaman, as you want to avoid being up close in combat while keeping your totems within buffing range of your allies.

As expected of the stealth-based class, Rogues are real powerhouses in PvP and can cause serious trouble for almost every other class in the game. Their ability to almost permanently crowd-control enemies through the use of their stuns, Sap Icon Sap, Blind Icon Blind, and Gouge Icon Gouge, as well as the slows from their poisons, allows them to completely control the flow of each fight. Not only can they control the direction of the fight, but they can also decide where the fight itself happens, due to them engaging from Stealth Icon Stealth.

Warrior, Mage, and Rogue are the premier classes in Classic, especially in the sixth and final phase of the game. They’re powerful in battlegrounds, World PvP, and duels, each with high damage, sustainability, and crowd control.

Warriors left much to be desired in the opening stages of the game. But with Naxxramas unlocked and gear readily available, they’re now a force to be reckoned with. Their damage, mobility, and CC, when combined with a healer, make them one of the strongest classes in Classic.

Mages have some of the best crowd control in Classic, combining snares with fierce burst damage. They can polymorph one target, freeze the other with Frost Nova, and burst them down, all while running around in circles.

The WoW Classic Best PVP Class tend to be Class specs with high damage and strong Crowd Control CC. Rogue Sub are known for their strong single target damage, while Mages can burst and CC and Warlock have amazing AOE Damage from DOTs. If you are playing in PVP, these classes are the best for you. Whatever the mode you are playing, you cannot leave without gold.

The Wall

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