
HOW TO CLEAN YOUR MASSAGE TABLE from freemexy's blog

So, you have successfully started your massage business. Congratulations! Take stock of your supplies and you’ll soon realize that the most important piece of equipment you own is probably your massage table. It’s also the one that clients directly and intimately make contact with.
Therefore, it is critical that you take proper care of your table and employ the most hygenic techniques of cleaning your massage table. Understanding and implementing proper care will allow the table to remain in good condition for a much longer time, which reduces the frequency that you need to buy expensive new tables. Finally, keeping your table in good shape lets your clients know you take pride in your equipment, your business, and their time with you.office electric massage chair

Cleaning your massage bed routinely is important. Without question, it should be cleaned after each client, even if you use a sheet on top of it -- period. This will make sure you remove perspiration and smudges from the table and leave it looking clean. It can also remove bacteria and contamination that isn’t immediately visible to the naked eye. Cleaning after each client shows that you care about cleanliness and have respect for your clients (and yourself).
You may also want to give it an extra-thorough cleaning weekly, so it remains in premier condition. While cleaning, you should also give the table an inspection to make sure everything is in good, working order. For instance, make sure any bolts are tightened and the table is safe and sturdy. Taking the time to thoroughly clean your entire table will help ensure that it will be functional and attractive for years to come. During this time, you should use a disinfectant solution to get in all the nooks and crannies. This will ensure your clients are worked on in a clean, disinfected environment, which they’re sure to appreciate.
Keep in mind that the timetable for cleaning your massage table can vary, depending on how many clients you have each day. If you work somewhere and have clients continually through the day, you may need to clean your table more often than someone who only does a few sessions a week. Just make sure that you are protecting your clients by taking care of your equipment and keeping it germ free and in good condition.
There are no shortage of different things you can clean your massage table with to keep it looking and smelling new.
For a quick clean, you can spray the table with a mixture of soap and water. Make sure the soap is mild and non-abrasive. Then, you should wipe the solution off with a dampened paper towel and dried with another dry towel. You can use paper towels for everything if you want. Make sure to also wipe down the table and the legs. Then, make sure the table dries completely before placing another sheet on the table.
Do NOT use any cleaners that include alcohol, chlorine, or citrus ingredients. This may cause a vinyl table to crack or bubble, thus shortening its life. Harsh chemicals will cause the table to wear and the vinyl to become damaged.

Massage table cleaning wipes are also available. They are made specifically to use on massage tables, so they can remove lotions, sweat and oils. They are designed to leave the table looking clean and streak-free. You can use them to wipe down the table after every client. Some of these even produce calming scents, so your clients will enjoy a fresh aroma during their session. You may even be able to find antibacterial wipes for massage tables.

When you are looking to give your table a more thorough cleaning, you can use a gentle cleaner diluted with water. This will allow you to get to all the places of the table, including the legs and underneath. When you are cleaning between clients, you may not be cleaning every portion of the table. This is why it is important to do a deep clean every week. It also gives you the opportunity to check for tears, cracks, loose parts, and for anything else that might need to be addressed.

In addition to cleaning, if the vinyl on your table needs some help to look new again, you can purchase a vinyl restoration solution at a local store. It can help the vinyl look newer and give it a professional look again.

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