
Old Daughter Shatter Stroller Half Marathon Record from freemexy's blog

With the help of her mom, 8-month-old Sadie Rose Stroud was the first female to cross the finish at the Vintage Park Half Marathon in Houston on April 14. She and her mom, local runner Lauren Stroud, not only took the women’s win in 1:22:29, they also set a pending stroller half marathon Guinness record while doing so.To get more women's marathon record, you can visit shine news official website.

Stroud took more than five minutes off the previous official Guinness record of 1:27:34 held by Lindsy James of the United Kingdom. Julia Webb beat this time at the 2016 Rock ’n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon with a 1:22:57, but this record appears to have never been ratified by Guinness. To make the victory all the more dominating, Stroud won the women’s division of the race by nearly six minutes, averaging a 6:18-mile pace.
Stroud said she has submitted her result, photos, and other information to Guinness and is waiting for confirmation on her record.

Stroud said Sadie slept through more than half of the race and stayed mostly relaxed, only getting a bit fussy toward the end. Although Stroud and her fellow racers got lucky with a sunny, 48-degree morning, they dealt with some strong winds throughout and down the final stretch of the race, which definitely posed a challenge.

“I knew I had some room to play with, because miles 1 through 10 were all between running 6:05 and 6:15 pace, and I knew the course might be a little bit longer than 13.1 miles for it to be certified, so I was trying to keep the pace better than the 6:20 average I needed to run to beat (Webb’s unofficial record),” Stroud told Runner’s World. “We slowed down drastically in miles 11 and 12 because of the wind, and while I wasn’t too worried about it, I was trying to do the math in my head to make sure I still had the record within reach.”
Stroud, 28, whose half PR is 1:14:52, lives and trains in Lake Jackson, a suburb of Houston, and works full-time in nearby Angleton as the fitness coordinator in the town’s recreation center. She typically runs about six miles during her lunch break and goes for a shorter second run after work in the evenings, logging about 50 to 65 miles total per week. Stroud first got the idea to chase the record after starting to run with the stroller when Sadie was 3 months old. Since then, she’s been running more than half of her weekly mileage with Sadie in their Thule Glide stroller, getting up to 13 miles for their longest run together before the race.

Before I signed up for the race, I wanted to make sure we could comfortably cover the distance without her fussing,” Stroud said. “But she actually never fusses when we run together; in fact, she only fusses when she doesn’t get to join me.”

Stroud joins the ranks of fellow Houston-area elite Calum Neff, who currently holds the men’s world records for pushing a stroller in both a half and full marathon.

With Sadie—now weighing about 13 pounds—set up in the stroller, that meant Stroud kept her blistering pace while pushing about 50 pounds. “In addition to Houston generally being a great place to run, we’re lucky to have a lot of flat terrain to train on, and it’s great that a lot of races here let you participate with strollers,” she said.

Like Neff, Stroud is also no stranger to the Houston-area running scene, as she lines up at local races at least twice a month. She continued to do so throughout her pregnancy, winning one half marathon—the Surfside Beach Half Marathon at 16 weeks pregnant—and four 5Ks before giving birth last August. She has also won 16 races and counting since Sadie was born. The half marathon wasn’t their first race together, either; Stroud and Sadie also ran and won the Angleton Project Grad 5K in 18:20 three weeks earlier on March 23.

The Wall

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