
Near every farm patch in RuneScape you will find a small green NPC from bertramuzi's blog

In the event that you do not plan to create warbands using the Nox in the near future which is the perfect scenario for a disaster to happen RS 3 Gold. No offense to you but far more experienced PvPers were able to replace their Nox bows & similar weapons because of accidents (forgetting the prayer's recharge, being shocked, etc.) or because of users smiting.

In addition, you'll be stuck hardcore in the midst of a flurry of welfare seekers who hope to triple their bank which will increase the chance of losing it, and make warbands overall unenjoyable. Prior to the previous weekend of bxp was announced, Nox Bow was stable, worth a good 320M. After the announcement it began crashing a lot and fell as low as 220M (if I remember correctly). Then it went back up to 300-320Mish.

Could be something similar what is happening here There is a good chance that it will go back up again. Although it's unlikely, such items are likely to continue to crash due to more getting added to the game every day. It's difficult to lose items in the present and new system currently being developed makes it nearly impossible to lose items for players to get rid of items, so we can believe that it will continue to crash.

That's how it works for a RuneScape player. You can either invest in the most valuable items once they're valued at a significant amount and Cheap OSRS Gold use these items as quickly as possible (and lose money in the long run) or you wait for them to go down and buy them at a very low price once they're no longer an interesting thing to play with.

The Wall

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