
Does Regular Activity Avoid Strokes? from 's blog

Now, a new study suggests you must take a natural remedy to prevent the disease from ruining your future. Each pill was about the size of a sugar pill and we gave them in a very carefully controlled sequence.

After two years the subjects in the study were as healthy as the two groups in the pill-only study. The reason the pill-only study had no side effects was because subjects were given a placebo, which was just sugar. The pill-only group had an 18% rate of serious adverse events and the pill-plus-viqamins group had a 7% rate of serious adverse events," said study author Michael Mielke of the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

* No nausea

* No headache

* No stomachache

* No high blood pressure

* No insomnia

* No dizziness

* No weakness

* No muscle pain

* Feeling well rested

* Less need for sleep

* No headache

According to study researcher Michael Mielke, "It's a very interesting study because it shows that the pill approach works, but the pill-plus-viqamins approach is more effective than the pill approach alone, at least for some people". In all fairness to the pill approach, there are many people who can not take the pill. "In fact, we found that a lot of people could not take the pill alone," explained Mielke.

* Improvement in blood pressure was a significant finding of the study

* Improvement in heart rate variability was a significant finding of the study

* Improvement in mood was a significant finding of the study

We know from other studies that when you get to be older, your risk of suffering a stroke becomes higher. And that when you suffer a stroke, those risks stay around 1-2%.

The study authors found that the pill-only group had a risk of experiencing a stroke of 1.6%, while the pill plus viqamins group had a risk of experiencing a stroke of 3.9%. Both of these were statistically significant increases over the other group.

When they broke the results down by treatment, those taking the pill plus viqamins group had a 67% reduction in the risk of developing stroke, while those who took the pill-only group had a 33% risk of developing stroke.

The most significant finding of the study, noted researchers, was the fact that "Those taking pill plus viqamins had a 67% lower risk of stroke. The drug was as good as placebo for those at highest risk. It was no better than placebo in the lowest risk."

So there you have it. You do just as well by not taking the medicine as by taking it if you are at high risk.

And what's more, the drug appears to be more effective at preventing strokes, as opposed to helping them, than the combination of medicine. This would seem to show how important the prevention of strokes is.

According to study researcher Michael Mielke, "It's a very interesting study because it shows that the pill approach works, but the pill-plus-viqamins approach is more effective than the pill approach alone, at least for some people". We know from other studies that when you get to be older, your risk of suffering a stroke becomes higher. And that when you suffer a stroke, those risks stay around 1-2%. The most significant finding of the study, noted researchers, was the fact that "Those taking pill plus viqamins had a 67% lower risk of stroke. And what's more, the drug appears to be more effective at preventing strokes, as opposed to helping them, than the combination of medicine.



Added Mar 25 '21



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