
That viral video of 'zombie chicken' crawling off a plate isn't chicken from freemexy's blog

A truly wild video has gone viral in recent weeks, showing what looks like a cut of writhing raw meat crawling off a plate at a restaurant. But there's likely more to the video than meets the eye.To get more news aboutnews in english video, you can visit shine news official website.

The clip has gained coverage from tabloids and other news sources, often dubbing the slab of meat a "zombie chicken." It's just the latest in a long line of viral videosshowing soon-to-be-eaten animals fighting back.

It's easy to see why this latest video has gotten so much attention: The clip is a mesmerizing, unnerving seven seconds of footage.

The slab of meat begins at rest on a plate near the edge of a table. Then a protrusion — an arm, a leg, or perhaps a tentacle — pops out.t started gaining attention in an English-language post two weeks ago. But the footage has been been circulating for over a month from multiple sources, including a Chinese-language Facebook group.

There's little evidence the meat depicted is chicken, an expert told USA TODAY. And several eagle-eyed experts have questioned the legitimacy of the video.Dr. Amit Morey, an assistant professor of poultry sciences at Auburn University, warns viewers to be cautious.

"What they're showing is too extreme," he said to USA TODAY. "For a chicken to twitch, you have to immediately kill it and debone it and place it on the plate."

Raw chicken served at restaurants, Morey explained, has already gone through the full process of death after it's slaughtered. He said the chicken, by the time it was served, must have already gone through rigor mortis, causing its nerve endings to have already calmed down.For something like twitching to happen or for a muscle to do something like that, it has to be done right then and there," he said.

He said that a more likely explanation is that the meat is a frog leg. Salt can cause frog muscles to contract and move around, making it look like it's still alive.When Snopes.com fact-checked the video Friday, the site also suggested the meat could be frog. But at least one expert disagrees.

When Dr. John Wiens — a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona — first watched the video, he was stumped and amused.

"I don't see how a frog could do that," he told USA TODAY, laughing. "What the hell?"

"I'm definitely not going to commit to it being a frog. Maybe a piece of fish or something?"

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