
Aniracetam Capsules and Powder Reviews & Information from freemexy's blog

Aniracetam Capsules and Powder Reviews & Information

Aniracetam powder is a compound in the group of racetams due to its common pyrrolidone structure. It is one of the more common Racetamic structures. It is fat-soluble and thus needs to be ingested with fatty acids. Additionally, Aniracetam is cholinergic

Aniracetam acts as a positive modulator of some excitatory receptors known as AMPA receptors and decreases the rate of receptor desensitization. This typically manifests as a controlled and prolonged neurological stimulation effect. Since AMPA receptors differ in structure across the brain, different AMPA modulators affect the brain in different ways.

Anecdotally, Aniracetam has been know to aid in ‘collective and holistic thinking’, or putting the pieces of the puzzle together. It also increases blood flow and activity in the area of the brain known for this action, the association cortex.

Aniracetam, as an AMPA modulator, is currently being studied for usage in depression and other CNS disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.

The Wall

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