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Balding in 20s could hint at prostate cancer later in life

type of balding [at age 20] is a risk factor for prostate cancer, suggests Dr. He says an earlier study suggested that back of the head balding was worse, but this study found any type of balding is a risk factor for prostate cancer.

Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia, affects about 50% of men and a link between testosterone and baldness has been established. Likewise, stopping testosterone production is one way prostate cancer is treated. But an actual link between the baldness and prostate cancer has not been established and this new study published in the cancer journal Annals of Oncology can do it either.

Yassa says rather than starting with men who were 20 and follow them for 50 years, he and his colleagues studied 388 men with prostate cancer and 281 healthy men and asked how bald they were at age 20,30 and 40. When a man hair began to thin in his 30s or 40s, the risk for prostate cancer did not go up according to the research. They did not test the men testosterone levels, so they did cannot prove higher hormone levels played a role. But they believe their research suggests male pattern baldness at an early age could be a marker for being at increased risk for developing this type of cancer.

Yassa says his own research isn changing what he does in his practice. He says if a man who didn start balding at the age of 20 comes into his office and asks if he should be screened for prostate cancer he would tell him, a debate for screening and there are sometimes false positives.

If a man who did start losing his hair at 20 came to see him, he would give him the same information but add [screening] debate is for the normal population and you may be at higher risk because you were bald at the age love bracelet gold replica of twenty.

Baldness is caused by an enzyme produced by the liver called 5 alphareductase that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Baldness affects men earlier than women because they have more testosterone and so they have more potential to have high levels of DHT. DHT, can be thought of as a super form of testosterone. Over time DHT over stimulates certain tissues, hair and the prostate, for example and causes these tissues to get used up early and leading to prostate cancer and scalp hair loss. 5 alphareductase also combines with progesterone to form dihydroprogesterone (DHP). It is possible but not proven that DHP causes breast cancer by the same mechanism as DHT causes prostate cancer.

February 15, 2011 at 20:48

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I think you simplifying it a bit by saying the get used up early leading to scalp hair loss and prostate cancer. The link between testosterone, DHT and prostate cancer is still being studied obviously. Higher levels of testosterone have been linked both with hair loss and prostate cancer (IIRC) but just testosterone gets metabolized to DHT doesn mean it is the DHT that is causing the damage. In fact, at least for the prostate, it would make much more sense that testosterone has the bigger effect (which I also believe research has shown) while it is DHT on the scalp. DHT causes the hair shaft to create hairs that are thinner/shorter until the hair within the shaft can no longer be seen (ie bald spot.) This has been proven by research as well as the efficacy of topical anti androgens like ketoconazole and minoxidil.

February 15, 2011 at 22:26

this could lend credence to the idea that a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor such as finasteride(trade name Propecia) or dutasteride(trade name Avodart) could reduce this risk somewhat. With the really inert nature of finasteride with few side effects (it is also only an inhibitor of 1 subtype of the enzyme as compared to Dutasteride which inhibits both subtypes but carries more side effect risk), it seems that this should be recommended to men who are going bald at an early age for more than just cosmetic reasons.

February 15, 2011 at 20:55

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For what it worth, I 32 and aside from several other symptoms that ended in many trips to a doctor, lots of blood work and a rheumatologist to finally diagnose me correctly with hypothyroidism, I too was losing or had a visibly noticeable thinning of my hair on the front and top of my scalp. Hair loss is one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism and with the proper dosage of thyroid hormone, all of my symptoms have subsided and my hair has returned almost to what it was before I love collection cartier started noticing it thinning. Point being, your hair loss may or MAY NOT be a sign of prostrate problems. Either way, check with your doctor but don go running out thinking you have cancer either.

February 15, 2011 at 22:54

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I actually am 20 and have moderate thinning on the back of my scalp and have been since the later half of high school. It only been recently that it been thinning out on the rest of my head, but do you think most cases can be solved by thyroid hormones? I actually heard from a from a gold love bracelet fake friend the other day that they heard about a break through with the thyroid hormone and hair loss so it was kinda a relief seeing your post. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

February 16, 2011 at 00:15

ryan you should go to your primary care physician and they will be able to see with simple bloodwork if it is a thyroid problem, a vitamin intake problem or otherwise. Unfortunately, with your description of typical male pattern baldness it is likely not a thyroid problem, especially if you aren experiencing any symptoms. The vast majority of men in their 20 and 30 who have thinning/hair loss problems are dealing with typical and very common androgenic alopeica, and that is why you just want to rule out any other possibilities. Luckily for you since it hasn been so long, a drug regimen consisting of rogaine, propecia and a shampoo called nizoral has been shown to potentially have a synergistic effect on reversing hair loss and even in re cartier love bracelet buy growing hair. It takes persistence though and for the results of these medications to continue you would need to continue the medications. Either way my advice is see your PCP and have them do routine bloodwork to see if there is any other explanation for the hair loss.

Balding, grey hair, acne, heart disease, arthritis, too heavy, too thin, hormone problems, thyroid problems, adrenal problems, cancer and all the rest are caused by the junk we are putting in our bodies. Unnatural foods, processed foods, drugs, alcohol, x rays, fluoride, smokes, immunizations and the like. And it can all be repaired with the consumption or real foods, unprocessed foods and real fats like coconut oil, grass fed butters and grass fed meats. Plenty of real free range eggs and lower carbohydrates start our body on the healing path. Reduce and then avoid chips, bread, bagels, cookies, cake, pasta dn all other processed foods. They are killing us.
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