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Debate regarding plagiarism and non-plagiarism


The growing demand of students regarding availing of solved assignments from essay writing firms tends to emerge as an issue of potential concern to the university professors and lecturers. The academic authorities in terms of taking a stance focus on reflecting and also comparing the act of solving academic assignments by taking external help to plagiarism issues. However, in that the debate emerges where the students argue that they have purchased the academic writing works from the websites and that ideally suits the contract made with the writing companies where the purchase of the solved academic assignments in exchange of money can be viewed as equating the transfer of ownership regarding the same.
The students having become the present owners of the academic works now have the capability of using the same in the form of submissions in the university portal and thereby earning needed grades. The above fact thus counters the issue of cheating as highlighted by the academic authorities.
Similarly, regards to the issue of plagiarism the students infer that the assignments are uniquely and originally written by subject experts based on carrying out extended research and also use of needed referencing.
The above statement is effectively made to counter the issue of plagiarism that are put forward and enhanced by the lecturers.


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