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Medical Cannabis: Its Medical Benefits



Medical cannabis is sanctioned by a certified medical practitioner when one has the qualifying conditions in a particular state. There are different products allowed depending on the state they may be sativas, indicas, or hybrids, they may be strains that have little or more levels of THC.

One must have one's conditions authenticated by an independent practitioner, say a neurologist, orthopod. and then you may find some practitioners which are associated with pain clinics or stand-alone offices. Annual certification in a state is necessary and the meds cannot be carried across state lines even if that state also allows this treatment.

Since it is still federally illegal no insurance pays for it and dispensaries work on a cash basis. The NP. or physician will provide the patient with a plan of care, but the pharmacist at the dispensary may fine-tune it depending on what strains or products are available. Some states allow a restricted level of plants to be homegrown especially if one lives outside a certain mileage of a dispensary, but many states do not allow one to grow cannabis at home.

Cannabis is beneficial for both medical and recreational purposes.

Cannabis is a useful and often safer treatment option for many physical and mental ailments. Everything from depression and anxiety to cancer. Is it a cure? Maybe, maybe not. Studies have been limited as it's still a schedule 1. Once the federal government ends the prohibition, the medical field can start really doing research on the plant’s medicinal properties.

Many physicians advocate for recreation because it's beneficial to society as a whole. Products will become more consistent and if it's regulated, you can be sure you know exactly what is in them. Although, there haven't been cases of any problems other than consistency in edibles. Full legalization opens an entirely new, taxable industry that can create millions of jobs. People are already buying the product black market, so it only makes sense to regulate and tax it. This will end felony convictions over a few ounces of weed.

It's safer than alcohol, but alcohol can cause extreme behavioral changes that lead to violence and if overused, is deadly. Cannabis can kill you, it can make you uncomfortable if you overdo it, but at worst, you'll overheat and feel sick.

It's also safer than ibuprofen, opioids, most stomach meds, existing seizure meds, and so many others. Ibuprofen, for example, can destroy your liver if used often enough. Cannabis will not, yet it will kill pain just as well, if not better. If you don't want the high, CBD doesn't get you high and is the powerful anti-inflammatory property in marijuana. You may also use Dry Herb Vaporizers.

Many people use cannabis for spinal pain, depression, PTSD, and bipolar 2. It is allowing them to live a normal life, whereas the opioids, muscle relaxers, gabapentin, and benzodiazepines don’t help as much, and keep you in a bed-ridden vegetable.

Patients who purchase medical marijuana with the help of a medical cannabis card use it to treat a wide range of medical conditions. For instance, anxiety, epilepsy, cachexia, chemotherapy-induced symptoms in cancer patients, glaucoma, chronic pain, etc.

All these qualifying medical conditions are listed under the state list that legally allows you to consume medical marijuana. So, if an individual has a medical condition that requires cannabis treatment, it is safe to use a medically controlled dose.

However, it wouldn’t be working to say that the same medical conditions are being treated with pharmaceuticals. Then what is the role of medical cannabis?

Well, there are a few anecdotes and research that show medical cannabis can help alleviate the symptoms of certain medical conditions. But the only drawback is that most research is based on rodent’s lab experiments with very few human clinical trials.

Despite the lack of research most people use medical cannabis to treat certain ailments. As long as it helps them get relief, Cannabis is largely used for recreational purposes.

A little high helps some stay relaxed while gives others the satisfaction of staying focused and energized. Yes, the high might help keep the nerves calm, but there's no denying that long-term use of cannabis has some side effects.

So, it's best if you seek medical advice before taking marijuana to deal with anxiety or depression.

Is It Safe?

It depends, if you are going to inject it, which is recommended more than smoking it, you just have to take the effects of the weed. If you are going to smoke it, you must take the effects it has on your lungs into account and the effects it already has on your body.

The only time a medical practitioner can prescribe marijuana is when the drugs already prescribed are too weak and the others are too strong or the patient’s body can not take the effects of that drug. Also, most of the time, Medical marijuana is not dispensed in medically controlled environments nor are the patients necessarily monitored by physicians after they obtain the weed.

Depending on the strain used and the method of use, it is very safe. If you use a nearly complete CBD strain or any type of cannabis in the form of skin cream or ointment, you won’t get high. Ditto for suppositories. If you smoke, vaping, eating, or ingesting alcohol-based tinctures with an equal or greater THC portion. You will notice an effect. At least in my case, I wouldn’t call it a high. I’m not suddenly happy. There’s no euphoria. But the only thing that helps better is micro-dosing LSD. The effects include in the mind and mood but calling it a high is more than an overstatement.

Hopefully, more research can be done for it to become legal in more and more cities and be changed from its current schedule in the federal laws. Visit this website to know more- online vaporizer store


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