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RSorder OSRS Gold


New York

Some users know how to deliberately bypass filters, making them worthless, and when we make a filter overly broad, more articles are filtered than warranted. This creates more frustration for users and more work for us while we'd prefer to prevent over-moderating. We may look in to attempting to revive a filter to get phishing email questions, but that's something for us to discuss privately amongst the mod team. The previous filter was not able to accomplish what was desired at the moment, so it was disabled for now. These posts do discuss an obsession with other filters within our subreddit, therefore a number of them are eliminated for different reasons.

To explain on the previous sentence out of my previous remark, general, this subreddit is for Runescape's community, and as subreddit mods, we would rather our existence be minimal. While some other subreddits might have an extremely visible mod existence, that's not something we're considering. If we've got an important message to get across, that's 1 thing, but mod posts from us are very infrequent. In short, we believe the subreddit ought to be the community's voice, not the community's voice directed by subreddit mods.

I don't think anyone in any capability anticipates a plug and play solution nor anticipates anyone in the mod group to break their back for no pay. Filters require maintenance to correctly function, take spam blockers for e-mail; that's decades of effort to make sure the Nigerian prince does not make it into your inbox and hell sometimes it still doesn't work, sometimes my 2FA winds up in spam, but we still don't delete a spam filter. I just wish to clarify that I am not here grilling you at some presser or some thing just having a conversation.

I believe this just reinforces not only the debate for having an Automod notify prospective new posters of this'gentleman's agreement', or even formally separating them. You have a virtual'desire route' going on here where your community has made a decision to segregate the content, don't you feel you need to hear them? These are all growing pains and nothing else which can't be sorted out over the years, its one thing to say that no one gets the drive or capacity to keep a filter right now but please don't make it outside to be an impossible effort. In addition, I feel like I'm at a soviet court house and the bailiff was just told to take the guy who jaywalked, bro you do not have to delete OSRS or phishing posts in this case just have automod comment on it with information pointing folks in the ideal direction.

Unless we are talking about a filter restricting what can be said on the subreddit I'm really confused about why anyone would want to bypass a filter which supplies them with information. If allegedlyy'all attempted to knock down some key questions or phrases being thrown around this sub from time to time then yeah it's a'problem' (You guys wouldn't be the first game sub to have it, blink twice if Jagex hasy'all hostage) for you guys but I do not see many people hoping to submit"connection - totally no ph15h guiys" or even"I think this is a p h 1 5 h ing attempt men" or"look at this cool shed I received on oh ess are ess" just so they do not have a comment on their post from a bot.
If you want to know more information about OSRS Gold , please lock on RSorder.com


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