OSRS GP the amassing the bones. It a" />

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It all is dependent on how much you really make/hr


Now for OSRS GP the amassing the bones. It all is dependent on how much you really make/hr. If you create 2m/hr then it is 90 hours to the frost bones and 72.5 hours to your dragon bones. Now adding how much time needed to use the bones its 97.25 hours all of the way through for dragon bones and 100 hours all of the way through for Frost bones. And you need to answer yourself if 2.75 hours is worth 35m. (Probably not). Therefore it's better in your case to use dragon bones, by 2.75 hours gap and 35m. Dragon bones are all about the same period as frost bones, but you conserve 35m.

I really don't think so. For instance, if you press Esc to close your lender it would need to use coordinates to obtain the X to close the lender, making it automated and illegal. Additionally pressing F10 to change to bank and gear, that is not 1:1 input output. Moving from gear to bank is quite a few purposes and can also be impossible to do with 1 click unless you are hacking the game to make it to do that. If this is not the case then develop on which you would like it to do, then I did not really understand what you were asking but I gave my own effort.

As long as it is 1:1 I actually don't see the big deal as Jagex themselves additional hotkey's for invent:D F1 etc.. I didn't understand that so no need to be a jerk about it... The issue remains that you are becoming more than 1 output for 1 crucial press., you can not do this unless you're hacking on the game applet to include extra important bindings. You could do it via an external program but that isn't 1 input 1 output. The most you could do would be make esc perform a mouse click, which makes it pointless since you can do that using Mousekeys.

If you haven't already, also do Royal Trouble because it allows you to place more in the coffers. I suppose you won't be online for extended periods of time, therefore, as soon as you can, place 7.5m in the coffers (talk to Advisor Ghrimm, choose"Manage"), also set Maples to MAX workers and herbaceous plants to 50% workers. In this buy School RuneScape Gold manner , you can go 90+ days without amassing the stuff out of your kingdom and still get maximum gains.


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